Returns for most investment portfolios are heavily tied to the stock market. Option selling strategies can be an effective way to achieve decent returns while reducing a portfolio's correlation to equities.
Tactile Options Mini Portfolio
Growth of $10,000
Includes Idle Cash Held & Trade Commissions
Annualized Return | Total Return | Sharpe Ratio | Maximum Drawdown | Correlation to S&P 500 | Beta to S&P 500 | Average Trades/Month | Winning Trades |
30.78% | 52.94% | 2.65 | -12% | 32% | 0.21 | 2.9 | 63% |
Tactile Options | Year | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
2020 | 11.12% | 0.00% | -11.47% | 18.26% | 9.75% | ||||||||
2021 | 33.24% | 5.01% | 4.13% | 1.35% | 2.41% | 4.82% | 2.32% | -0.22% | 3.80% | 0.62% | 2.20% | -1.31% | 2.14% |
2022 | -1.09% | 1.80% | -3.86% | 1.08% |
Tactile options trades iron condors, diagonals, credit spreads and butterfly spreads on US equity exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and exchange-traded volatility notes (ETNs). It also trades 'the wheel' (cash-secured puts and covered calls) on select stocks, all while using cash as an active position.
Prioritizes trades with low directional bias
Includes heavy emphasis on 'short volatility'
Low trade frequencies - avoids daytrading
Demonstrates low correlation to equity indices